Friday, August 10, 2007


This is not about girl ankles, this is about my ankle. I realized last night that it's about two years to the day that my ankle got chopped open. Which is so strange, because that means it's been almost two years since I graduated from high school as well. And strange because it seems like it just happened.

I don't think about it much. My ankle doesn't bother me most of the time, just when I hit my scar against something. But I think my right leg is still weaker than my left leg because of the accident. When I slackline, my right leg does't work very well and wobbles a lot if I try to start out on it. My left doesn't, and I think it's because of my accident when my leg turned watery. On the bright side, I can run and jump and dance and drive and play sports again.


Yellow said... that something else women worry about then????

Zach McCauley said...
