Saturday, November 3, 2007

she's so lucky, she's a star

Today, I feel very blessed with the friends and family that I have, my roommate, my floor, the communities I'm in. I was with friends watching other friends play music at a local coffee shop, and wondering how I got so lucky. Some of the music was very moving and very beautiful, like I wanted to dance. I wanted to close my eyes and listen but at the same time it was sweet just to watch them play, to watch how they look when they play music.

I was thinking about universalism today. When I think about universalism, that God might save people out of hell, it makes me feel like God is this huge ocean that I'm swimming in, that I'm immersed in. It makes me feel like I'm drowning, not in the negative sense, or the sense that I'm dying, just that there is something massive that is filling me up and up and up.

One time in high school my school's football team played against a Thai school's, and there was a kid on the other team wearing a shirt that said "God is too big for one religion." I don't know what I thought of it at the time, but it's stuck in my mind ever since. That shirt is how I feel. It's a big mistake to limit God's love and God's presence to Christianity, or to limit knowledge of God to Christianity.

Today, I also feel very interested in finding out more what the kingdom of heaven is. It's not the church, the church is just a piece. I think whatever it is, it's pretty sweet, and something that I want to be a part of, something that I hopefully am a part of already.

1 comment:

luke said...

i studied about what the kingdom of heaven/god is for a semester at bible college. i liked it a lot. you may be able to find it at your uni since its a christian one, and if you can some good prelim reading about what is the kog can be found in 'the dictionary of jesus and the gospels'. it should be in the reference section. look up kingdom of heaven or kingdom of god in there. if this brief description does help, let me know and i'll do some more digging for you. i actually own the book, but its back in australia. its good stuff.