Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I realized the other day that I am extremely skeptical of solutions. Often, I can agree with people about what a problem is, but doubt the solutions they propose for ending that problem or overcoming that obstacle. So often I end up not doing anything, or if I move, I move with reluctance and skepticism.

Most methods and suggested solutions probably do suck. As in they're inadequate for solving the problem. But that may be irrelevant. What is important is if a solution is moving in the right direction and not perpetuating the problem.

What I don't respond well to is solutions that involve coercion or manipulation, guilting people into action, whether its me being manipulated or others. This is how I felt a few months ago when I heard a speaker who was raising money for an organization that works with kids around the world. She was extremely manipulative, very much about guilting people into giving. I hated the idea of giving money to her organization, just because she was involved with it and I didn't want to do anything to benefit her in any way. But even if what she was doing there as she spoke was sick, was wrong, what the organization was doing was good. So I gave some money. Maybe what I should have done was donated money online so that it wouldn't be connected with her. I obviously still resent her.

It's never good to make people feel guilty or to try to make people feel guilty. Ever. Especially if the reason is to get them to help out with something. Manipulation is never good. Blah blah blah.

Another thing I've learned about myself: I'm reluctant to act or help if I feel unnecessary and if I feel ignorant. I usually feel happier if I join in anyway, though. Whatevz.

1 comment:

beer said...

i'm pretty sure that's not just the case with you, but with human nature.