Sunday, October 21, 2007


Tonight, I was able to articulate to a friend of mine something that I've been on the edge of realizing for a while: God's idea of responsibility is different than mine. We were talking about money, and that's what I said. I would rather think first about whether something is good or not, and think second about money. God's idea of financial responsibility may not mean buying only what I need, or saving money, or being thrifty, though those things will probably be a part of it. But I think those things tend towards worshipping money, and worshipping God is way more important than worshipping money. I'd rather do things that bring life and joy to others (and myself). Like give gifts, go out, travel, donate, celebrate, have parties. Money is worthless and may be the least important part of financial responsibility. I feel much more responsible to seek life and love others.

The irony of this is that this is ultimately my idea of responsibility, but I say that I think it's God's. Oh well, it fits with what I know about God. It's not about selfishness or pleasure, it's about life and not worshipping money.

I worry about money sometimes, but I think that if I seek what is good, the money will take care of itself (that is, God will take care of it). Whatever planning goes on in my life, that is how the plans should work, with money coming in at the end.

1 comment:

beer said...

money is good. i wish i had more money to do the things i wanted to.