Saturday, September 15, 2007


I went over to some friends' house tonight, and it felt like a family reunion, seeing friends that I hadn't seen in a while (1 week-3 months). But more like a real family reunion than blood family reunions. Friends = family. Once I got back on campus, I immediately regretted that I'd left.

This happens to me a lot, I'll leave a place and feel a great sense of loss and regret. Like I'm missing out. I have this feeling a lot, it's one of the things that ruins me. When I'm in one place and feel like I'm missing out because I'm not in another place. When I'm with one person and feel like I'm missing out because I'm not with another. Which is, of course, true. Any time I'm not with someone I'm missing out on that part of their life. That's okay. Shared experience creates a bond, but sometimes it's really good to be apart from people and then come back together, no matter how long or short that period is.

I don't want to be living in this terror that I am missing out, that my temporary absence from peoples lives means that my relationships with them are falling apart. Fear = lame. Life/love/peace = cool.

1 comment:

beer said...

the hardest sort of someone being away is when you don't know anything about where they are. my brother is away in hume lake but i don't really know anything about it because i've never experienced it. i think once i have, it'll be easier (or harder, if i don't like it) to have him away.