Thursday, July 19, 2007


I feel very interested in Brazil right now. Not sure why. Last summer it was Iran and India, and those places are still very interesting to me. Right now, Brazil. A lot of people are primarily interested in Africa. I am every once in a while, but not usually. I think it's because I feel interested in big cities, and most images of Africa aren't big cities, they're villages and animals and deserts and savannahs. But Africa has big cities, too.

Then there's countries where I'm not so interested in the whole country as I am specific cities in the country. London, Paris, Jerusalem. Not really Rome. Rome has a lot of historic appeal, but I don't know how enjoyable it is as a place now. Venice would be interesting because of the canals but...maybe too touristy. Most of what interests me in Europe is specific cities. Other than that, it's almost never a place that I feel like visiting. Too cold, maybe.

I wish that Thailand had more poets and more literature. Then again, I haven't made a strong effort to find Thai poetry, but it seems like neither poetry or literature are very popular in Thailand at all. Sad, because I'm into both those things, and I'm into Thailand.

If I had to choose a continent to stay on for the rest of my life, it would probably be Asia. Especially since Asia is huge and contains the Middle East, too. Eh, but I'm okay with being in America, for now, Seattle makes me happy. I don't think I'll be sticking around, though. If I do, I'll be in a city, because suburbs suck.

I think I would feel intensely guilty buying a new pair of shoes. I'm not sure why, maybe I don't feel like I could justify the use of money when I still have shoes that are sufficient. Everyone else thinks that I need new shoes, though. They're wrong.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I'm trying to figure out my goal for going overseas. Right now it's between Paris and Barcelona, but then I also really want to go to Eastern Europe. Why can't we fly for free?