Monday, June 11, 2007


I was thinking of writing about my first year of college. maybe some other time. maybe the suspense will keep you all coming back.

my overall impression of today: America is dumb.

tv is also dumb. it's fascinating, but not in a good way. I realized this evening that I've been in the states for 15 months and I haven't seen a movie in theatre yet. I do like movies though. there've been a few close calls, but still no movies in theater. I was happy not having a tv in my room this school year, and I think I would be perfectly happy never having a tv in my house for the rest of my life (maybe a projector). I just hate having tv as the default background noise. I'd be happy without a dishwasher, too. it's hard to trust that a machine is cleaning my dishes properly, and it can be nice sometimes to wash dishes by hand.

it's nice (suddenly, I dislike that word, probably because it's so ambiguous and weak. weak words=bad) to sleep without an alarm, and to have blinds open at night and in the morning when I wake up.

1 comment:

beer said...

i agree. i like the absence of technology. i can be good but i think it does more harm than good. i think if we had no internet, no phones we would be forced to be more intimate and personal which is really good