Friday, May 18, 2007


"I remember thinking that unless I knew what was going on inside of someone else's head other than my own I was going to explode" - Douglas Coupland

This is how I feel sometimes as well. I get bored of my own thoughts. At the same time, I get tired of not expressing my thoughts to others. It's so strange and fascinating that I can go through the same events as someone else, but our experiences might be totally different. And it's important to me to figure out how other people see things. At least in some cases.

And (I love starting sentences with and, I don't know why, I think I was already trying to do this in elementary school) I've been wondering a lot lately what's running through peoples heads. I'll be sitting in a room or hanging out with people, and look around, and wonder what everyone is thinking about. Eh, I guess the only way to find out is to ask.

1 comment:

Zach McCauley said...

I saw that Coupland came out with a new book. I'm interested to read it.

"what are you thinking about" is a favorite question of mine, but it makes people uncomfortable sometimes too