Sunday, April 13, 2008


I hate being watched when I'm trying to learn how to do something. Actually, that's not quite it. I hate being watched when I'm trying to learn something that the people around me can do well. I think that's why I enjoyed my drivers-ed back in Thailand so much: the driving instructor left me alone and didn't pay attention to me most of the time. That was a comfortable learning evironment for me. Tonight's extremely uncomfortable learning experiences: slacklining and fixies. Other situations that immediately comes to mind: yoga and music.


beer said...

Yeah, that sucks for pretty much anyone. No one wants to have people think that they're less.

I pretty much don't like it when anyone watches me do anything at all. Especially if they talk to me at the same time. I can never focus on doing something if people are talking to or around me.

Tim said...

this is exactly why i will never play guitar.

Anonymous said...

i am with you on these things.
slacklining...i suck, and i dont want to try when everyone is watching. but i want to do it.
music...even though i have been playing guitar for 6 years and i wrote my own music, i really really get so nervous when people want to "jam" with me. i always decline the invitation... i feel like i am in an eternal state of learning how to play guitar. i taught myself how to play and i never memorized the normal stuff that everyone else knows. i cant even remember the right notes that go along with each string! aedgc ...blabla, wha?

just turn the frustration, that bubbles up in you when people watch you learn, into a drive to do things on your own, your own way.

beer said...

anything happen for you on april 1st?

Andrea said...

Greg sucks.

Andrea said...

Haha, I know I know. But really... I often feel like that when I'm around my friends. I feel like everyone has something that they are really good at and it makes me feel like I can't even compare. I don't like trying new things with experts. I'd much rather try new things with others who are new at them too.