Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I'm tired of advertising. I'm not really thinking of billboards and commercials, but they are a part of it. What I'm more tired of is advertizing by specific issue groups who ask me to be involved in what they're doing, to come to the events they're planning, to donate to their causes. I know that in a lot of cases the work they are doing is good, but that doesn't change that I often feel like I'm being bombarded by people who are demanding one thing or another from me, when I don't have the energy or motivation to give what they're asking. On the flip side, this makes me very reluctant to try to get other people involved in anything, because I don't want to be another voice adding to the cacophany.

Here's another thing: I feel very uncomfortable when employees in stores ask if they can help me. It makes me want to leave whatever store I'm in. If I see an employee coming towards me, I'll often just try to leave. That's how I am with a lot of groups that are advertizing one thing or another, whether it's study abroads, jobs, activities, or causes. I'm much more likely to look into what they're all about if they leave a sign up that has information to read. I probably will not look at anything if there's a person there promoting it.

This is how I felt back in Thailand, too. The community was so small that everyone was hounded to be involved, and it got very tiring. The funny thing was that when I came to America I felt very out of place because I wasn't involved in anything.


The Broken Sparrow said...

tomorrow, I will probably be waiting in a department store, dressed up only to impress society, and then I will ask you if you would like to buy a balloon to put on the wall that will save a child from somewhere from something bad.

and then i will say, just kidding, and give you a cupcake or orange juice.

beer said...

you're too afraid