Monday, January 21, 2008


Currently, I'm happy that my roommate Calin got an ihome for his birthday, so we can listen to music in here now.

I don't know why, but superstition is on my mind. I don't want to live a superstitious life. The good events in my life don't result from praying, the bad events don't result from not praying. I believe that (and also believe that prayer is important). The equations aren't that easy. Prayer isn't magic either, it's not casting a spell. That's important for me. I don't want the most important thing to be the words.

I'm figuring that there's some things I'm really not very good at. I don't know what to do about this. I don't know whether to work or those things because I know I'm not good at them or whether it just encourages me to go to what I really enjoy and am good at. Maybe both.

I'm not really interested anymore in my actions being based on what's right and wrong, but I am very interested in my actions being based on what is good/healthy and what is harmful/unhealthy, on what gives life and what takes it away. I think that's supposed to be the basis for morality, anyway, but even if it is, the meaning is lost for me when I start to think in terms of right and wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.