This also, I think, has to do with "don't judge a book by its cover." In my experience, books should absolutely be judged by their covers. That is, covers and imprints are usually marketed towards a certain audience and with certain genres and standards in mind. Similar covers imply similar content and experience created for certain audiences. In general, I've found that when I dislike covers, I'm usually not very interested in the blurbs about the books, and often if I read them they end up being low quality, unenjoyable works. Then again, a lot of this has to do with layout, font, page and font size, paper quality, binding quality, etc. I suppose part of the argument is that David Copperfield published with two covers is actually two different books, and so it's impossible to equate or conflate separate readings of each.
In other news, I feel that my life is always a balancing act between production and consumption, where when I don't consume, I feel empty, and when I don't produce, I feel stuffed. There are times when I can't read anymore until I do something productive, especially writing or music, and times when I need to read because I've been producing too much. I feel like the general trend of my life has been tow
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