Thursday, December 25, 2008


I like to know what people do. What their work is, how their work works, what they do there, how things run. I'm excited for more of my friends to graduate and get jobs so that I can talk to them about what they do and how it works, what it requires of them, and what they think of all of that. Which is partially why I feel drawn to the underworld, I'm curious about what goes on and how things work.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ha. It's not all it's cracked up to be. In this crappy economy a lot of firends will be doing exactly what I'm doing... working a lame job for the little bit of experience you can get to simply pay the bills.

I'm a receptionist, Greg builds bikes, Becky sells books, John makes bread, Shantel brews coffee. None of these jobs are permanent... at least I hope.

But within a few years if I don't love my job... oh dear I don't know what I'll do.

I hope you do something you LOVE when you graduate though. You are very smart. I don't doubt it. :)